Good afternoon my lovely blog friends! (Are you there? Or am I writing to myself?)
I thought I'd sign in with a catch up on my life as is...
I originally said this would be a blog about me, my eternal struggle to get fit and my attempts at getting creative.
Well, I am sad to say I never did keep up with the '30 Day Shred' Programme as I promised myself in another post. Here's my excuse - I don't have a DVD player to continue the programme after finishing the first ten days doing Level 1 that you can find on youtube YES, I do have a lap top, but the one that plays DVDs is old and has a massive line running through it and its crap. I am however pleased to say that I have lost 1/2 a stone. I guess this is through gym go-ing, for the past 3 weeks I have taken part in classes to the value of 150 minutes a week or more... and tried to focus on cardio ones. I still have a long way to go though as I'm a whopping 12 stone.. which is not really where I want to be.
I've said it before and I'll say it again... PROGRESS!! Progress is progress, and every little step gets you where you want to be.
In terms of creativity... I haven't been doing much at all. I haven't even been making granny squares when watching TV. Infact I haven't really been watching TV either.. I need to finish a project that I started as a gift for one of my friends new born baby, and I need to work with MW to put it all together. MW is currently holidaying in Canada... and that's my excuse for that one!
My plan tonight is to go to the gym after work for a body attack/combat combination class... then head home and tidy up my bedroom and my Doing Stuff room. I'm certain that I will be inspired to create when my surroundings are free from clutter. Truth be told, I enjoy the act of tidying up, I feel like it not only freshens my home but also my perspective on life.
At the moment my perspective on life is goooooood. I am happy to report that I am happy.
I'll leave you with a link to a photo gallery of the top 40 powerful and moving photos. I got goose pimples from number 5 and had a wee tear in my een. They ARE powerful photos, the saddest thing about the whole collection is that some of the most moving are a result of war. War sucks. The photos however capture human nature well, and I see a lot of love and hope in them. I hope you do too.
Peace n love,
LT x
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