I know that a lot of people don't like it, but when you combine your actual friends with Facebook - the result is not only a great portal for keeping in touch with friends who live further field... but also a great platform for laughs, banter, giggles and shenanigans. Whats not to love?
Here is an example of a conversation with my mate... truth be told I'm only posting it as he has said nice things about me. If I'm ever feeling dark and depressed I'll look on here, to make me smile. This one isn't so much funny banter... as proper bo gayness!
he he.

Thats not my point though. Back to business.
I cant find the right words to describe how I use the word Gay these days... its a mixture of geeky, dorky, happy, outwardly affectionate, sometimes stupid....
In the weird and wonderful world that is my Brain, being called any variation of Gay isn't an insult.
In fact, I'd go as far as say its a COMPLIMENT.
You can definitely tell this when you see it in context, or actually hear it being used. When someone says or does something cute and stupid, I immediately pipe up with a large 'gayyyyy' directed at them.
But one thing for sure is: I would always have a smile on my face!