M.W was our host this time, and her living room was turned into a complete craft fest with Fimo Clay, Jumping Clay, Plant stalks, glitter, felt, embroidery threads, buttons, material and other such stuff adorned all over the floor. We all left after having made something although I think we expected a higher standard of output from ourselves! Although, to be fair, I do think that we did alright. Some of the girls made Fimo things, inlcuding 2 Bees in a Pod, and Robins. G.O made a stocking for her Christmas tree, with a few presents stuffed in it. My niece was there and she made some wee things from the Jumping Clay. I was a bit worried watching her though as she was using loads of the clay... but I guess thats what its there for! I made the wee butterfly above, its stuffed and has lavender oil sprinkled on it. So, I'm giving that away as a Christmas gift too.
Similarly to the owl in a previous post, if I was to make this again I would do things a bit differently. I'll stick up photos to demonstrate if I do.
Towards the end of the crafternoon I was internally freaking out a bit because of all the mess, nothing was in order and all of the crafty bits were everywhere. This leads me to believe I may have very mild OCD! Yesterday afternoon after I had dropped my niece off I spent time in my bedroom organising my craft cases. Phew! Glad thats done!
Speaking of organising, I am whole heartedly in love with the idea of having a bureau, or a wardobe type bureau for storing all of my bits and bobs. My interest in this was sparked by an offering on Freecycle, but alas I didnt win it, and Schmerc said it would have been too big anyway. (I'm moving in with him in March). I think I am destined to have one though, as I seem to be exposed to similar things all of the time, including a post on a blog I follow where someone had turned one into a groovy art station. THATS WHAT I WANT TO DO!!! I have been selling the idea to Schmerc, under the guise of how it will be so handy having all of my things all TIDY, in one place, etc, etc! Plus, the handy wee desk will be handy for sitting at and working on projects. Truth be told though, I dont actually do that many crafty things. I do like organising stuff though, and presenting the stuff that I have organised.
Having such an art station will no doubt encourage me to be more creative. Just like that time when I bought the good running trousers, running trainers and T Shirt. OK, ok, I have only been out running once.... but if I did decide to go out running..... he he he!
Anyway, here is a wee picture that K.W posted onto my facebook page, that I inturn posted onto M.W's page. I kept relaying this to everyone on Saturday, as I think it is so very true. And that is why, I'm proud of my first attempt at a scented butterfly. Imagine what my hundredth one would look like!! ;)
Love and light my fellow fellows.
LT x
p.s Oh aye, nearly forgot to continue with my thread of the bureau... a charity shop in Paisley has one for £35!! Its not an antique one,nor does it try to emulate Georgian furniture.. BUT...it is still gallus and I do want it ridicously so!!
I think it was meant to be..... :)
p.p.s I'm going to ask my friends if I can use their real name on my blog, or perhaps they can choose an alias. Using their initials is a bit weird. Especially G.O's.
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