Hello again virtual world... did you have a good Christmas? Please accept some late festive fortune wishes from me, I hope you partook in some form of merriment or shenanigans with those you hold close.
This year was a first for me... between Christmas Eve and the day itself I visited everyone in my family. EVERYONE. Its a good feeling knowing that I don't have to do more visiting - any extra visiting is done on my own accord. Yay! The icing on the cake for me was trundling up the Old Lane to visit my gran parents, since I moved to Paisley I havent visited them on Christmas day. Thats 13 years.
After dinner I drove home as my flat mate is in France and I had to hang out with and feed the cats. I'm glad I did come homE, as Schmerc came up and we watched some stand up comedy and finished the Crobot featured in the last post. He is so freaking awesome! We have started on 'Bopbot' a crobot with headphones who dances to techno. Sweet as a mutha funkin' nut.
This is the quietest Christmas for me since I started getting wrecked... and I have to say I'm totally digging it! I'm kind of using Schmerco's injuries as an excuse... but I'm realising that you dont need no excuses - holidays are holidays and you get from them what you want. Do I sound like a humbug? I hope not, cause I'm not.
I'm looking forward to partying with my homies when cabin fever sets in and I have to escape!
He he!
Peace, love n happiness x
Just a general mishmash of topics that occupy my brain space.
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Filthy scummy little f*** wits.
What a crazy weekend it has been here in Paisley Land. It started off so well, with a group of 40 of my friends all enjoying a Christmas dinner together on Saturday afternoon. Me and Schmerc couldnt stay for the after party drinks for long as it was his wee brothers 21st, but we were able to stay for a couple.
I wish we hadn't. Schmerc always helps out when he's not working, collecting glasses and generally being a barman. Two wee fuckwits came in who were quite clearly offf their face on something, and also very bamlike. In the most unagressive manner EVER, Schmerc escorted them out. I didnt think anything of it and went to the loo with MW. When we returned it was clear something was wrong, the bar was strangely eery and there was a trail of blood to the wee store room behind the bar.
Uh oh.
It was Schmerc. He had been stabbed twice in the back, there was blood everywhere. Two of my friends were in there with him, applying pressure to the wounds, keeping him sane and calm, and generally doing a very good job at stuff that I would have been completely useless at doing. So I left the wee room and went outside, realising that I would be no good to anyone being in hysterics.
Thankfully he is going to be ok... narrowly missed his heart and his kidney.. but I tell ye - what a horrendous f00king night. I never want to witness anything like that again, and although it was a very crap thing to happen I do believe he has a wee Guardian angel watching over him.
Sorry for the crap rendition of that. Can't convey, or rather I dont want to, convey my emotions for it all.
What a crazy weekend it has been here in Paisley Land. It started off so well, with a group of 40 of my friends all enjoying a Christmas dinner together on Saturday afternoon. Me and Schmerc couldnt stay for the after party drinks for long as it was his wee brothers 21st, but we were able to stay for a couple.
I wish we hadn't. Schmerc always helps out when he's not working, collecting glasses and generally being a barman. Two wee fuckwits came in who were quite clearly offf their face on something, and also very bamlike. In the most unagressive manner EVER, Schmerc escorted them out. I didnt think anything of it and went to the loo with MW. When we returned it was clear something was wrong, the bar was strangely eery and there was a trail of blood to the wee store room behind the bar.
Uh oh.
It was Schmerc. He had been stabbed twice in the back, there was blood everywhere. Two of my friends were in there with him, applying pressure to the wounds, keeping him sane and calm, and generally doing a very good job at stuff that I would have been completely useless at doing. So I left the wee room and went outside, realising that I would be no good to anyone being in hysterics.
Thankfully he is going to be ok... narrowly missed his heart and his kidney.. but I tell ye - what a horrendous f00king night. I never want to witness anything like that again, and although it was a very crap thing to happen I do believe he has a wee Guardian angel watching over him.
Sorry for the crap rendition of that. Can't convey, or rather I dont want to, convey my emotions for it all.
Friday, 16 December 2011
Ten Things...
Ten things that……
I Love
and Friends
coloured things
Music (Samba is pretty cool....although I dont love it as much now Kings of Macumba are no more...)
about the wonders of EVERYTHING with my friends (including bitching)
new things
tin openers
I Hate
leaving window handles up when windows are open
on ‘The Weakest Link’ who say, ‘I think it’s unfair I was voted off, I clearly
wasn’t the weakest link’
· Spiders
· Spiders
boss doing ‘pregnant pauses’ on the phone to me
miserably in front of people
told what to do when I know the instruction is wrong
I am Scared of…
driving by myself in the dark
miserably in front of people
things in front of people in case I make a tit of myself
stuck in my job forever
friends realising that I’m a shit friend and dumping me
on a raft in the sea with a massive boat about to pass by
having any kids
a dead or dying person
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Sunday, 11 December 2011
The produce from yesterdays crafternoon..

M.W was our host this time, and her living room was turned into a complete craft fest with Fimo Clay, Jumping Clay, Plant stalks, glitter, felt, embroidery threads, buttons, material and other such stuff adorned all over the floor. We all left after having made something although I think we expected a higher standard of output from ourselves! Although, to be fair, I do think that we did alright. Some of the girls made Fimo things, inlcuding 2 Bees in a Pod, and Robins. G.O made a stocking for her Christmas tree, with a few presents stuffed in it. My niece was there and she made some wee things from the Jumping Clay. I was a bit worried watching her though as she was using loads of the clay... but I guess thats what its there for! I made the wee butterfly above, its stuffed and has lavender oil sprinkled on it. So, I'm giving that away as a Christmas gift too.
Similarly to the owl in a previous post, if I was to make this again I would do things a bit differently. I'll stick up photos to demonstrate if I do.
Towards the end of the crafternoon I was internally freaking out a bit because of all the mess, nothing was in order and all of the crafty bits were everywhere. This leads me to believe I may have very mild OCD! Yesterday afternoon after I had dropped my niece off I spent time in my bedroom organising my craft cases. Phew! Glad thats done!
Speaking of organising, I am whole heartedly in love with the idea of having a bureau, or a wardobe type bureau for storing all of my bits and bobs. My interest in this was sparked by an offering on Freecycle, but alas I didnt win it, and Schmerc said it would have been too big anyway. (I'm moving in with him in March). I think I am destined to have one though, as I seem to be exposed to similar things all of the time, including a post on a blog I follow where someone had turned one into a groovy art station. THATS WHAT I WANT TO DO!!! I have been selling the idea to Schmerc, under the guise of how it will be so handy having all of my things all TIDY, in one place, etc, etc! Plus, the handy wee desk will be handy for sitting at and working on projects. Truth be told though, I dont actually do that many crafty things. I do like organising stuff though, and presenting the stuff that I have organised.
Having such an art station will no doubt encourage me to be more creative. Just like that time when I bought the good running trousers, running trainers and T Shirt. OK, ok, I have only been out running once.... but if I did decide to go out running..... he he he!
Anyway, here is a wee picture that K.W posted onto my facebook page, that I inturn posted onto M.W's page. I kept relaying this to everyone on Saturday, as I think it is so very true. And that is why, I'm proud of my first attempt at a scented butterfly. Imagine what my hundredth one would look like!! ;)
Love and light my fellow fellows.
LT x
p.s Oh aye, nearly forgot to continue with my thread of the bureau... a charity shop in Paisley has one for £35!! Its not an antique one,nor does it try to emulate Georgian furniture.. BUT...it is still gallus and I do want it ridicously so!!
I think it was meant to be..... :)
p.p.s I'm going to ask my friends if I can use their real name on my blog, or perhaps they can choose an alias. Using their initials is a bit weird. Especially G.O's.
Friday, 9 December 2011
Felt Owl
My first attemp at a felted owl!!
I followed instructions loosely from this very handy blog: http://savingartistryan.wordpress.com/2011/01/27/felt-owl-brooch/
I haven't made this as a brooch though as its a Christmas present for my friend, LW, and as she is so fashionable I doubt she would wear one of my creations. Yet. Wait till I get better!!
As I didn't make it as a brooch I had to improvise on some of the instructions.. I didnt want any knots or thread showing on the back.. so I sewed the eyes on before pulling it together. I also attached a ribbon under the beak so the owl can hang somewhere nice.
I really enjoyed making this and it didnt even take long! I will definitely be making more, although I think I will try and make my owl rounder, (as to me that constitutes cuteness).. and if I'm not making them as brooches I think I should stuff them a little to give them more depth.
I'm meeting up with some of my girls tomorrow for a Crafternoon, where we will all get stuck into creativities and have a good old chat. I'm really looking forward to it, especially now as I can bring a few things to the table. For my next project I'm going to make 3 of these owls, stuffed and all hanging in a vertical row. That will be the final Christmas present for my mum, so I'll need to choose sensible colours that will compliment her house - or else she wont hang it up!
Happy weekend everyone! Hope yours is as productive as mine hopefully will be :)
LT x
Friday, 2 December 2011
My bedroom and my blanket
I know I said my next post would be about comedy....but alas, I took a photo last night of the start of my crochet blanket to show a work colleague, so I thought I'd show you too. I decided at the very begining that I wanted 101 squares - I've only made 21 so far, so I think the ETA for the finished article is round about March some time.
I have also been crocheting prayer flags for Christmas presents for my friends, but I cant post them up at the moment incase someone accidentally stumbles upon it and sees the finished article before Christmas. Bah, humbug!!
I have also been crocheting prayer flags for Christmas presents for my friends, but I cant post them up at the moment incase someone accidentally stumbles upon it and sees the finished article before Christmas. Bah, humbug!!
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Stand up, Stand Up.
I signed up for a Stand Up Comedy course a few months ago. I'm not sure why really, definitely not because I think I'm funny, it was more of the opposite to be honest. I feel that when I tell jokes, or a story to my friends I get nervous once I have commanded their complete attention, and fail to make normal eye contact, while spurting out the rest of story at a million miles a minute. I was hoping that upon completion of the course I would be able to 'hold my own' and would have ultimately improved my delivery and in turn would be able to chat freely without looking like a rip roaring reptar!
Perhaps that would have happened - if I had finished the course! After 3 weeks I had a massive case of 'The Fear' and was dreading going back in. So I transferred the rest of my credit onto a course called, 'Finding your Voice'. I wasn't dreading going to college because of the comedy element - I quit because I felt absolutely terrified standing infront of everyone, and realised that I should tackle that element first before leaving myself open to complete humiliation when attempting to do the end of class Stand Up gig. I'm not normally a quitter (except from earlier this year when I quit Trees for Life a few days early) so to accept my failure I looked to Facebook - a few reassuring words from your friends always helps. One of my friends wrote something like 'Dont feel bad, you've made a grown up decision about your own limitations based on existing commitments'. Fair dues. That IS what I did.
The gig took place on Tuesday night and I went along with some friends to check out my classmates. It was interesting to see how they had developed. One girl used a story I had heard before - but she added in lots of side jokes that weren't previously there.. and the end result was - humour! Also, it was interesting to note that the more confident performers were actually not very funny at all. One to think about. Everyone asked me if I wished I had stuck it out... the truthful answer is, yes, of course. But alas, I made a decision that was right for me at the time, and I have to have faith in my own conviction. Plus, the 'Finding your Voice' course sounds good, and will provide a good platform for moving onto more adventurous pastures.
As I was lying in my bed that night I had lots of ideas floating around my head for a Stand Up routine. One is based on an exercise we tried at college using newspaper articles, and it moved onto stories about the Brownies. In my next blog post I am going to attempt to write down what might have been my routine had I not been a quitter! It might seem quite vulgar though, but be rest assured (particularly in reference to the Brownies) that I'm not really so crude! When I was thinking about this in bed I could see myself delivering this routine in a super confident manner... so I know how I would like to be as a comedienne.. I'm not convinced though that I would ever be able to pull it off!
I feel like I should also point out that I don't have a burning desire to pursue a life in the lime light. I signed up for the course as I thought it would be a fun (ny) thing to do.
Perhaps that would have happened - if I had finished the course! After 3 weeks I had a massive case of 'The Fear' and was dreading going back in. So I transferred the rest of my credit onto a course called, 'Finding your Voice'. I wasn't dreading going to college because of the comedy element - I quit because I felt absolutely terrified standing infront of everyone, and realised that I should tackle that element first before leaving myself open to complete humiliation when attempting to do the end of class Stand Up gig. I'm not normally a quitter (except from earlier this year when I quit Trees for Life a few days early) so to accept my failure I looked to Facebook - a few reassuring words from your friends always helps. One of my friends wrote something like 'Dont feel bad, you've made a grown up decision about your own limitations based on existing commitments'. Fair dues. That IS what I did.
The gig took place on Tuesday night and I went along with some friends to check out my classmates. It was interesting to see how they had developed. One girl used a story I had heard before - but she added in lots of side jokes that weren't previously there.. and the end result was - humour! Also, it was interesting to note that the more confident performers were actually not very funny at all. One to think about. Everyone asked me if I wished I had stuck it out... the truthful answer is, yes, of course. But alas, I made a decision that was right for me at the time, and I have to have faith in my own conviction. Plus, the 'Finding your Voice' course sounds good, and will provide a good platform for moving onto more adventurous pastures.
As I was lying in my bed that night I had lots of ideas floating around my head for a Stand Up routine. One is based on an exercise we tried at college using newspaper articles, and it moved onto stories about the Brownies. In my next blog post I am going to attempt to write down what might have been my routine had I not been a quitter! It might seem quite vulgar though, but be rest assured (particularly in reference to the Brownies) that I'm not really so crude! When I was thinking about this in bed I could see myself delivering this routine in a super confident manner... so I know how I would like to be as a comedienne.. I'm not convinced though that I would ever be able to pull it off!
I feel like I should also point out that I don't have a burning desire to pursue a life in the lime light. I signed up for the course as I thought it would be a fun (ny) thing to do.
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