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Monday, 20 December 2010

Bobo Hat!!

Ok ok, I LIED when I said this blog wouldnt be about fashion: CHECK OUT MA BOBO HAT!!! And check out my Bobo next to my hat! The resemblance is uncanny, although the original Bobo is smiling, and the one on the hat looks a bit grumpy. Or glum perhaps.

Had a braw weekend in Glasgow shopping with Natasha. Started the weekend off with an hour and a half introductory Tango class with Omar and Miriam. We learnt the basic 8 steps, which apparenetly is what the rest of it is based on. I enjoyed myself. Its a slow dance, but when both partners get it right it looks GREAT. So, I am going to take part in the 8 week course starting in January. The class was finished off with mince pies and a couple of glasses of free wine, and then Nat and I went to Bloc for some 2 for 1 pizzas. I had one more glass of wine, and felt remarkably drunk from such a small amount of alcohol. hmmm. So much so that when Laura phoned I barely finished saying hello before she asked me if I was steaming. What da f00k -- do I sound like a rip roaring reptar after a sip of bevvy? Apparently so!

The rest of the day and weekend consisted of trapsing around shops, including a few vintage clothes shops. Yesterday we visited a vintage craft fair which was reallllyyy cool and full of nice crafty things, and vintage clothing. Visiting craft fairs always makes me feel dead jealous that I cant make any of the things, but perhaps I can, I just dont apply any time or have the right materials. I tried my hand at 'brooch making' a few months ago, and made 1 brooch - ooft its a rotter. It turns out I'm not very good at sewing! I'll post a picture of it up later.

I know its so close to Christmas and I really shouldnt be spending money on myself.... but me oh my oh! I bought a swim costume from the 60's that is super cool. It definitely looks better on, although it does have funny boob bits. Its orange with brown and white flowers on it. I also sourced myself a gallus dressing gown of the same ilk - brown, white, orange and black stripes. Oooohhh, I loves it so I do!

On another note two of my besto's are having a wee bairn today. Not going to say to much about it, excpet I love them both and wish them all the happiness in the world.

Anyhoo, peace out for now mo' fo's - I got work to do.


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