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Thursday, 30 December 2010

Bedtime thoughts....

As I sit here writing this
I am completely aware and
appreciative of the fact
that I am here again.
So soon. The busy-ness
throughout the day, the
waiting about for a while.
All this time has come
to pass, and now I am
here again. It feels as
though no time has
passed at all, since I last
sat here, thinking about
how happy I am to be here,
and remembering how
the last time had also felt felt
like no time at all.

The wee passage above sums up how I feel when I'm lying in my bed, before I drift off into the land of slumber. I didnt write it as a poem, I wrote it in a wee pad, but I thought it would be cool to replicate the layout by keeping the lines the same size, and I think it looks a bit like a poem. Its weird to read it as a poem though, with the breif pauses after each line.

Through these eyes I do not only see,
Through these eyes, I interpret me.


I'm standing at the gates.
What am I to do?
I knew the answer before the question,
Should I stay or should I go through?
I made a final decision.
- What if this move is wrong?
I moved slowly down my path.....
Will this uncertainty last for long?
I found some inner courage.
How can I be so sure?
I believed with all my might.
Will it always be this obscure??

A wee poem from before.

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Mister Jack Frost and his glaciating tentacles

Scotland is enveloped in a sub zero frost that is producing some far out tiny ice sculptures on everything it touches. The trees look as though they are covered in a layer of snow, but closer inspection shows that it is actually ice, covered in more ice that was formed by frozen fog, and the end result is these delicate spikes of ice formations. It seems that the longer we experience this super chill, the longer the spikes are getting. They are very fragile though, as I was taking the photo above I brushed past some and they just dispersed. All in all I think they look beautiful, and the whole process is very cool indeed.

Monday, 20 December 2010

Bobo Hat!!

Ok ok, I LIED when I said this blog wouldnt be about fashion: CHECK OUT MA BOBO HAT!!! And check out my Bobo next to my hat! The resemblance is uncanny, although the original Bobo is smiling, and the one on the hat looks a bit grumpy. Or glum perhaps.

Had a braw weekend in Glasgow shopping with Natasha. Started the weekend off with an hour and a half introductory Tango class with Omar and Miriam. We learnt the basic 8 steps, which apparenetly is what the rest of it is based on. I enjoyed myself. Its a slow dance, but when both partners get it right it looks GREAT. So, I am going to take part in the 8 week course starting in January. The class was finished off with mince pies and a couple of glasses of free wine, and then Nat and I went to Bloc for some 2 for 1 pizzas. I had one more glass of wine, and felt remarkably drunk from such a small amount of alcohol. hmmm. So much so that when Laura phoned I barely finished saying hello before she asked me if I was steaming. What da f00k -- do I sound like a rip roaring reptar after a sip of bevvy? Apparently so!

The rest of the day and weekend consisted of trapsing around shops, including a few vintage clothes shops. Yesterday we visited a vintage craft fair which was reallllyyy cool and full of nice crafty things, and vintage clothing. Visiting craft fairs always makes me feel dead jealous that I cant make any of the things, but perhaps I can, I just dont apply any time or have the right materials. I tried my hand at 'brooch making' a few months ago, and made 1 brooch - ooft its a rotter. It turns out I'm not very good at sewing! I'll post a picture of it up later.

I know its so close to Christmas and I really shouldnt be spending money on myself.... but me oh my oh! I bought a swim costume from the 60's that is super cool. It definitely looks better on, although it does have funny boob bits. Its orange with brown and white flowers on it. I also sourced myself a gallus dressing gown of the same ilk - brown, white, orange and black stripes. Oooohhh, I loves it so I do!

On another note two of my besto's are having a wee bairn today. Not going to say to much about it, excpet I love them both and wish them all the happiness in the world.

Anyhoo, peace out for now mo' fo's - I got work to do.


Thursday, 16 December 2010


My friend is slowly acquiring an addiction to auditioning for TV game shows. Her latest gambit is for Deal or No Deal, and she (I) had to write a 4 line poem about it. Here are the suggestions:

Ready for the question?
I believe that I am
Aw, I picked the wrong box.
Damn damn damn.


Deal or No Deal is a quiz show on tv,
who'd like to be on it? yup, thats me!
I'd try real hard to pick the right box,
And dress to impress like a sexy wee fox.
Choose a number, pick a box
Hope whats inside is low,
If too many are high then you will sigh
As you walk off the show!!

I think she chose the first one to put on the application form. I was then asked to help her describe herself in 50 words, and this is what I came up with:

I'm outgoing, confident, bubbly
My friends say I'm lovely jubbly
I like trying new things, camping and fun
Holidays at home or in the sun
I'm honest, loyal and reliable
My sex drive is unsatisfiable
I'm feisty and fiery and up for a laugh
Occasionally misinterpreted as being a bit daft.
Can you tell who it is yet??
The 50 word description didnt have to be a poem, but when yer in the swing of things, well, you're in the swing of things!

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

A Wee Poem

a wee poem.

He folds me in his humour,
In that which I can not see.
He holds me in his hunger,
For the want of whats to be.

Expression, minus a thousand words,

Anticipation at two to the dozen,
Call it ten a plenty.

Old Blog Entries from MySpace.... te he!!

·  22 Aug 2007
<><><><>..> This is a wee psychological ( how the f00k do you spell that!? ) test that I just done. Cool as a cucumber. I thought I would share my results with you below. Do you think this reflects me?? Pretty interesting none the less.
Lis x :)
Dominant Extraverted Feeling
© copyright Rebel Eagle Productions
Feeling types seek continuity through harmonious relationships and collective values. They excel at picking up on the tone of a situation and acting accordingly, adding warmth to a cool setting or turning sour into sweet. They will naturally seek to know what people do well, what they enjoy, where and how they work, and understand what they need in order to make the appropriate connections with other people. They weave and strengthen the collective fabric of social conventions and interactions.
Let an extraverted feeling type know that you are in need of an accountant and they will most likely give you several names. They seem to have an infinite number of acquaintances from all walks of life and are always on the lookout for people in need and those who can help out. Inclusiveness is important and they are particularly sensitive to those who are excluded.
Harmony comes from good, supportive relationships and upholding collective values. They are always focused on the other person, feeling a glow when those around them are happy, and troubled when something is amiss. They are natural cheerleaders, often expressing support, gratitude, and encouragement, and heaping praise onto those they appreciate. They take note of what is being done and what needs doing, offering their help and assistance wherever necessary.
As team players and project leaders, they have a gift for rallying their players, focusing on what is being done right and each member's strengths. They are loyal and they expect loyalty. They carry conversations well, finding common ground with their speaker. They tend to find the correct and gracious way to respond in any given situation, no matter how tense or uncomfortable it is.
It is well to note that extraverted feeling types will uphold a wide range of values, simply because shared values are what create harmony. Some will profess the importance of tough-minded logic, justice and scholarly debate because their environments have these shared values. They tend to adopt the collective values of those they love and 'belong to'.<><><><>..>

Yip, well aye, well aie.

My God, my wee heid is bursting, what with all the to-ing and fro -ing between this and Bebo. Why on earth did I join Bebo? Turns out I have just become the newest addict to the onsurge of online addictive sites. Hhhmph. Plus, I find it whole heartedly funny that people are posting up exactly the same shit on both sites. I'm afraid to say I myself fall into this category. Boooo! Its dead strange though that people are quite willing to broadcast their life, and its like creating a new persona from which to hide behind and watch the world go by. Thats all fair and well, but f00k letting the world pass by - join in and get out and about and stop being such a computer geek! If you work at a computer then thats fair enough, nothing like a bit of idle chat to get through your day. Thats my excuse.
Well, this weekend is Aymans birthday, I'm sure you are all aware as there has been about a squillion bulletins, emails and texts about the thing. Its up the Campsies, the most regular outdoor party site. Munters Ahoy!! I'm dressing up as a chaterpillar, with my fellow chaterpillar side kick being Dom. Woo hoo!
Our/the samba band - name unknown yet - will be playing for a wee bit. I'm awfy excited, and after all the commotion I am pleased to confirm that I'll be getting wellied!! Thats not some new welly throwing game I just invented (please feel free, but be warned I've got a mean 2 inch jab) but I mean sozzled. Wrecked, Steaming. whatever suits.
Someone told me the weather is supposed to be stonking this weekend. Fingers crossed. Maybe the clouds are here today so they're gone tomorrow. Any one caught doing a rain dance will be escorted out the next building I see them in. Not on my watch.
Rightio, have yerself a stomper :0)

·  25 May 2007
Well, yeah, bit of a crap subject heading, but as I have mentioned before - I hate thinking of subject headings!! Cause I dont really have anything planned about what I'm going to write, so really, there is no subject.
Today is Friday. Do I have the friday feeling? Well, sort of, but I'm a bit skint at the moment. How and ever, I can deal with that cause we're off on Monday too! Lets hear it for bank holidays!!

Live for today, and be receptive for the night,
Keep hold of your own and never lose sight,
For dreaming and pondering may mean a lot
But the best thing we have is what we already got.

Tonight is Woodys birthday and our new found samba band will be playing for him in Bar Buddha. Should be good fun...
Well, I'm pretty excited about this year as I have already booked all of my holidays, and guess what, they are all in the UK. May sound pretty crap to you, but what with all this global warming and all, its like being anywhere! Going to go and visit my long lost friend Ashleigh who fleed (?) flew (?) or left (?) the nest of Paisely for bigger and better ventures in Newquay. So, I will be trying my hand at a wee bout of surfing - and who knows - maybe this could be my thing. How and ever I severely doubt it as my balance sucks ass, I have about as much grace as a not very graceful falling object. Last night while carrying 5 drinks on a drink tray with specific holes for each drink, I still managed to drop 'em.
Holy moly, sometimes I think I need to partake in Alan Partridges LILM lessons. For those of you who dont know, that acronym stands for 'Lessons in Life Management', with a bit of hard work, determination and plenty of time, I may even be one of the elite few who make it to the yolk.
I'm going to try my hand at a no point limerick here..what shall i base it on? Hang on, I have just asked my work colleague to think of a subject ( he doesnt know why) and he chose... mathematics. Maybe I should have explained it doesnt have to be a curricular subject. Got to stick with the rules though, so here goes:

I hated maths when I was in school.
But now I think its kinda cool
Equations, percentages, rules and sums,
How brainy are my fellow chums?
The magic number is apparently three,
But 7 is thee number, as it likes to dine,
Ok, this  is old, But seven eight nine.

Jees oh. Remind me never to set myself up with such a stupid and pointless task. I remember in days of yore I wrote a wee limerick about most of my friends, and one returned in verse. I think the opening line was something like,

'Lisa, Lisa she thinks she's cool,
But her poems make her look a fool...'

Nuff said. I'm outta here any way, enjoy your weekend and I will no doubt see ya on the rough and tumble.
Love n lipstick x

P.S I have just been informed by my colleague who asked me why I asked him for a subject and to whom I read out the limerick to, that in fact my 'limerick' is far too long to be a limerick. Apparently they are only 5 lines long!

My revised limerick is now:
I hated maths when I was in school.
But now I think its kinda cool
Equations, percentages, rules and sums,
How brainy are my fellow chums?
Not very, I'll bet, as a general rule.

9 May 2007
Current mood: sore
Alrighty fellow chaps and chapettes. I trust this blog finds you well on this mighty fine Wednesday.
I have found myself in a bit of a predicament. I cant stop yawning. Its not even funny though, cause my jaw is sore now and each yawn is lasting quite a substantial amount of time. Did you ever do that thing when you were a kid, where you inflate your cheeks and then expel the air in such a fashion that it makes mad noises? And did you ever do it for so long that it hurt like mad when you eventually stopped doing it? That is exactly where I am at right now. Ouch.
Plus I need to talk a lot in my work, normally good for me but today is another story.
On the plus side, today is humping day. This does not mean we run around with our pants at our ankles pumping anything in sight... it means we are at the hump of the week and we're almost o'er it. Lets hear it for humps - Yay!!
love n jellybabies
20 Apr 2007
Current mood: cheerful
Hello der ma fellow fellows.
would you like to hear (read, rather) my new joke?

Kick, kick?
Whos there?
The man with no arms!

Har, de har har. What, you're not laughing? Then I challenge you to a dual. Make me laugh and you can get a prize. I'm being deadly serious by the way.
Anyhoo, last week was a fantastic week for me. The Tuesday night before I went on holiday I went to the GFT to see Dirty Dancing! Those of you know me, i'm sure you can imagine my sheer delight at seeing such a close up of the infamous Patrick Swayze. I was so wrapped up in trying to take a sneaky picture on my phone at the bit when he steps out of bed and you see his bum.., that i actually missed it! Well and truly gutted! The half second shot of his arse being bigger than my face was ruined by my greed to capture the moment on film forever. Pah!! Never the less, it was tip top tastic, I think I was on a natural high for a good few days afterwards. Ask Laura, as she was privvy to most of my uncontained excitement.
After the tuesday (wednesday) was holiday day! Had a helluva good time, done a wee bit of the afore said activities in previous blog entries, spent most of my time on the Cairgorm slope on my bum, my gloves were no longer water proof due to the extensive period for which they were on the wet snow. And the snow was very wet as it was most likely the last day of the season this year, and melting fast!
I really enjoyed the white water rafting, but truth be told there was nothing very 'rapid' about the rapids we were on. Incredibly good fun though, boinged off the end of the raft into the river Tay, got thrown in a few times, watched ma muccas be thrown in a few times; excellent. Think I'm going to try and get into it a bit more, see how it goes. Will certainly help in my bid to lose my bingo wings before I'm 30. (After 30, they're with you for life - Eeeek!)
Have you ever been to Newtonmore? Fantastic wee village somewhere up the A9 (between Inverness and Perth) This is where we stayed, in Craigower Lodge. They have sculpted a cool as fook walk around the village. Its a mild 7miles, so you can take a leisurely stroll without overdoing yourself. But me oh my, it was brilliant! Very scenic, taking in all different types of lanscapes. Check this, we took in breathtaking views of the Highlands mountains, walked through a forest, and an area which resembled an elephants graveyard, a beach (!) side of cliff faces, and a whole lot more besides. The locals, or yocals, sorry were very nice too. Even got me a job offer from the local businessman, but i think he may just be trying to have his wicked way with me, so I declined. I'm only joking about that, he couldnt get into my penalty kickers even if I wanted him to (no one for me but my man might I add) cause he was about 65 - 70 year old.
So, aye. It was awfy braw. Next time I get paid I'm going to get me a tent. Hope to get out and about a bit more this year. 'Mon the tent!
If you read this today, unlikely I know, I am going to the Halt Bar tonight for a wee soiree. Maybes catch ya there x ?

5 Apr 2007
Its Thursday! And not just any old Thursday either might I add. Today is the Thursday before Good Friday...Not religious? Well what the hey, never mind the religious associations, just be grateful that some of the world shuts down for such occassions. And, if you dont have a holiday yourself, then find a friend who does .... and basque in their excitement with them.
Sods law governs the heavens for this week though, and I can almost assure you that tomorrow the weather will take a dip. I am not basing this on any looked up weather forecast, i am using my own amazing sense of Sods Law Probability. Either way its thumbs up for me though, as next week I'll be doing a little snowboarding or canyoning, both of which are dependent on bad weather. So, Sod, stick that in yer pipe and smoke it cause I couldnae gie a monkeys toss what happens, as long as I'm off. Yip, I really am that selfish!
Hip hoppy happy Daze x

Friday, 10 December 2010

Merely towards the inside of an indefinite period of time.

Just in Time

I like this phrase, although I often wonder what it really means. We take it to mean that you arrived or completed something within a few minutes of it being accepted. But think about the words. I mean realllllly think about them. Below I have listed the definitions of each word:


  • merely: and nothing more; "I was merely asking"; "it is simply a matter of time"; "just a scratch"; "he was only a child"; "hopes that last but a moment"
  • precisely: indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt"
  • only a moment ago; "he has just arrived"; "the sun just now came out"
  • used especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting; "a just and lasting peace"- A.Lincoln; "a kind and just man"; "a just reward"; "his just inheritance"
  • absolutely; "I just can't take it anymore"; "he was just grand as Romeo"; "it's simply beautiful!"
  • equitable: fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience; "equitable treatment of all citizens"; "an equitable distribution of gifts among the children"
  • barely: only a very short time before; "they could barely hear the speaker"; "we hardly knew them"; "just missed being hit"; "had scarcely rung the bell when the door flew open"; "would have scarce arrived before she would have found some excuse to leave"- W.B.Yeats
  • fair: free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; conforming with established standards or rules; "a fair referee"; "fair deal"; "on a fair footing"; "a fair fight"; "by fair means or foul"
  • exactly at this moment or the moment described; "we've just finished painting the walls, so don't touch them";

  • inch: a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot
  • in(p): holding office; "the in party"
  • indium: a rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite
  • in(a): directed or bound inward; "took the in bus"; "the in basket"
  • to or toward the inside of; "come in"; "smash in the door"
  • Indiana: a state in midwestern United States
  • currently fashionable; "the in thing to do"; "large shoulder pads are in"

1. (noun) time, clip
an instance or single occasion for some event
2. (noun) time
a period of time considered as a resource under your control and sufficient to accomplish something
3. (noun) time
an indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities)
4. (noun) time
a suitable moment
5. (noun) time
the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past
6. (noun) time
a person's experience on a particular occasion
7. (noun) clock time, time
a reading of a point in time as given by a clock
8. (noun) fourth dimension, time
the fourth coordinate that is required (along with three spatial dimensions) to specify a physical event
9. (noun) meter, metre, time
rhythm as given by division into parts of equal duration
10. (verb) prison term, sentence, time
the period of time a prisoner is imprisoned

Soooo. Lets experiment with the different variations, be creative with our language and see what we can come up with.

Indicating precision or exactness, directed or bound inwards towards the 4th coordinate that is required (along with three spatial dimensions) to specify a physical event. - Just in Time

Hmmm. Interesting.

Another thing I find interesting is the term 'aw naw!'

Both aw and naw are colloquialisms and replace oh and no, but its not like I walk about saying naw instead of no. I always use no, unless I'm texting and transferring it via a put on Scottish dialect to text. Yet I always say, 'aw naw' instead of 'oh no' as the phrase itself has come to belong in my vocabulary in its own right.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

My wee pals.

L'Eau d' Cat? Eurgh - I think not!

Last night I was tidying up my bedroom with my 2 cats watching excitedly. A wee bit too excitedly for my liking, when I moved all of the junk off my bed I uncovered a big pool of cat pee. Yuk! I cleaned it up, threw the duvet in the bin as it had soaked right through, cleaned up the mattress, flipped it over, etc - job done.

Walking to work this morning I had a faint smell of cat pee wafting up my nose. On further inspection by sniffing round my jacket it now transpires that the cat pee has somehow got on to the collar of my jacket.... and its pure dead 100% reeking! Dont think I'll be wearing that out again, so my attire for lunch time will be my colleagues old man cardigan over my jumper, for a quick dash to the bank to pick up money to make sure I can get a taxi home. As soon I get home both of the cats will be getting their cute wee faces rubbed over my collar, and my jacket will be thrown into the washing machine.

What a cracking way to start the day!! Word to the wise... if you see me today - dont hug me.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

A wee slip of the finger

Just stumbled across the message drafts folder on my mobile, and found the content pretty amusing. Its weird though cause I can't find the right context for some of them, I must have been havering jibberish, bashing my chubby fingers off the phone.

Anonymous - Shephers pie for dinner.....yum! well it is

Anonymous - Yip, I called by accident, sorry x

Laura Wilson - Holy crap

Debbie - Woo

Sammy - Has John done

Sage New - Good good. I'm shattered going to bed

Carlo - Noice wan. Will catch ye then then abou

Dom - Sorry dife

Dom - I

Abe - Homeslice u

Michelle - Oiled,z

Abe - Sucks

Scottie Azulinho Blue - P

Roo Star - Hey up lad. Just turned phone on. I'm in

Carlo -

Anoymous - Howdy doody! How about next tues nig

Omar - 3W

Marco - I'm really glad everything worked out

Keith - Shit.U

Laura Loops - Al

Vanya - P

Charlie G New - I'm here all night xp

Ricardo P'd'oliviera -

Anonymous - Na, still in garage. Thats good that

LauraL00ps - Yip, do u want cigaretted? Its dead quiet

Michelle: If y

Sage New - Unless

John Jo - Ate, but I just net

Sammy - Gallus! You snoo

Robbie - Dinnae worry boot it! te he :(

Anonymous - Sorry its late, but thanks for the number

Marco - Qc

Laural00ps - I'm heading down to Marcos at 5 for

Paula Mc - We're in Lidic

Laural00ps - Yip

Carmen - H

Sage New - I vs

Vanessa -


Welcome to the first ever blog on this blog site. Am I welcoming you - the as of yet unsubscribed reader, or myself? I think I'm welcoming myself, and using this as an opportunity to fill up some space so at the end of it I can have an 'established blog'. woooo! Most people have a theme to their blogs, such as fashion, cookery, etc.

I'll be honest with you, I am interested in hundreds about nothing, so I 'm afraid I wont be able to amaze you with some amazing talent, rather I will be able to spout out whatever is in my head at the time.

I am currently at work, where its freezing. Most of the folk I work with arent in due to being unable to get here because of the sub zero temperatures, but the unlucky folk who stay locally have had to walk in. oofty. I seriously thought my fingers were going to fall off on the way home from work last night. Serves me right I suppose for using my phone... but I had gloves on!! I'm away outside to have a wee smoke before I get back to work. Freezing off my extremeties is still not incentive enough to encourage me to stop :(