Change has been a-blowing in the wind for a while now... and this kind of freaks me out. I totally get that things have to change to progress, and I'm not adverse to that. In fact, I like looking back at all of the changes in my life and seeing how each time I have moved onto pastures new the pastures have been good and positive for me. Its the IDEA of change. The idea of something very definite happening that has an undoubted effect on my life and my surroundings. It makes me feel odd, almost apprehensive.
Kings of Macumba ended just after the last Wickerman Festival. That was a pretty big change, but one that we all knew was coming for a while - AB had moved to Derby, MW became ill and also had a baby, D.D'S had moved to Glasgow, EM had moved back to Australia.. and SB... he was due to go to Australia with EM. That is the most imminent change thats about to happen... he is due to leave next Saturday... and tonight we are hosting a leaving party for him. I really hope that it's a joyous occassion, and not too much of a weepy one. Actually, I'm sure it will be a happy one, if there is one thing we know how to do well - its how to celebrate in style!
This particular change gives me a weird feeling inside.. I think partially because I will miss him, but also because it seems like it is the end of something. Friends come and go in your life gradually - on the other end of the spectrum I have close friends now who I didnt really know a year ago... (and who I love and I'm appreciative of)... but this particular change seems so instant. It also seems like its a pillar of something thats moving, and leaves me wondering who or what is going to fill this space. Looking back I have definitely been in a few circles over the years, and i'm lucky to say that while this circle has rotated and people have gotten on or off the merry go round - those I grew close to are still a large part of my life - even if I don't see them that often. Speaking of round abouts, I feel like I'm going round in circles here and not getting to the point. The thing is, I'm not sure exactly what the point is.
I guess I feel restless as there is change looming. Instead of focusing on a new beginning, I'm focusing on the 'end' of something. I'm pretty sure that this isn't healthy, so I won't dwell on it for too long (hopefully). However, I do think its nice to reflect upon things, and just take time to appreciate the good things in life, as well the impact that other people have on your being. I know for a fact that I wouldnt be who I am if I didnt spend time with the lovely people who inspired me, entertained me, put up with me and partied with me.
Friends. You're all f00king amazing the lot o' ye's.
LT xx
P.S I agree with not taking anyone for granted, but I also like stones. Stones are gallus!
Just a general mishmash of topics that occupy my brain space.
Friday, 27 January 2012
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Clothes Swishing Party
January. A month of cold, dark days that seem even longer due to the frivolous overspending that occurs over the festive period. Yuk.
We decided to beat the January blues by hosting a 'swishing' party - probably more commonly known as a 'Clothes Swapping Party'. Planned since November, all of the girlies involved had plenty of time to gut out their wardrobes and prepare for a day of nibbles, chat, drunkeness and clothes swapping.
I offered my house as the venue, possibly a weird choice as my flat is so small, but on the grand scheme of things a good choice for me as I will soon be renting it out and moving in with Schmerc. This could perhaps be the last time I have lots of my favourite homies in my gaff at the same time. Being the hostess I had a bit of organising to do, in terms of acquiring most of the clothes, and sorting into sizes. A boring task, but a very important one. Imagine how disappointed the larger ladies would be to be picking up clothes that were 3 sizes too small? (I fall into that category). So, I tried to organise it as best as I could, with some help from my wonderful friends, BS and MW. ( I still havent asked permission to use real names yet - doh!!)
We started, and thankfully we tried to have some sort of method. My mild OCD showing through again I think!! The general idea at the beginning was to spend 10 minutes browsing, and when I said 'GO!' we all collected our most sought after 5 items. This definitely worked better than a free for all, with 15 odd crazy mad ladies all elbowing their way in to find the best garments!

The drink was flowing, and the obligatory drunkness, madness and shenanigans ensued... including a 'fashion mistakes' fashion show....
We decided to beat the January blues by hosting a 'swishing' party - probably more commonly known as a 'Clothes Swapping Party'. Planned since November, all of the girlies involved had plenty of time to gut out their wardrobes and prepare for a day of nibbles, chat, drunkeness and clothes swapping.
I offered my house as the venue, possibly a weird choice as my flat is so small, but on the grand scheme of things a good choice for me as I will soon be renting it out and moving in with Schmerc. This could perhaps be the last time I have lots of my favourite homies in my gaff at the same time. Being the hostess I had a bit of organising to do, in terms of acquiring most of the clothes, and sorting into sizes. A boring task, but a very important one. Imagine how disappointed the larger ladies would be to be picking up clothes that were 3 sizes too small? (I fall into that category). So, I tried to organise it as best as I could, with some help from my wonderful friends, BS and MW. ( I still havent asked permission to use real names yet - doh!!)
This is my living room before people arrived, and with perhaps 40% of the goodies on offer.
A selection of jewellery and other 'sundries' on offer. I got me a new diary (I LOVE IT!!) and some make up.
We started, and thankfully we tried to have some sort of method. My mild OCD showing through again I think!! The general idea at the beginning was to spend 10 minutes browsing, and when I said 'GO!' we all collected our most sought after 5 items. This definitely worked better than a free for all, with 15 odd crazy mad ladies all elbowing their way in to find the best garments!

The drink was flowing, and the obligatory drunkness, madness and shenanigans ensued... including a 'fashion mistakes' fashion show....
As you can see, even the wee people got involved! Ain't she cute?
So, yeah. It was a great way to spend a Saturday in January, without spending too much money. You get the benefit of laughs and giggles, coupled with fine chat, food and an excuse for a party - and you even get to leave with some new threads!
Don't mind if I do.
Thank you to all my friends for being pure dead gallus and that, like no?
Peace out mo fo's.
Friday, 20 January 2012
Zombie Bot!
Here is the second most recent addition to my Crobots family - Zombie Bot. I totally muddled his legs up by joining them too close together. Ah well.
Hope you like him!
LT x
Hope you like him!
LT x
Friday, 13 January 2012
Problems with pilates, and perseverance
Last night KW and I went to our second pilates class of the year. I really enjoyed last weeks class, mostly because it was the first formal exercise I had completed since about 3 weeks before before the Christmas break ( I gave up ).
Last night was quite a toughy... I'm not sure if its because I have been to a few other classes already this week and my body was just really tired, or if it is actually just my form. I am lucky to have a wonderful pilates teacher. She spends the first twenty minutes making sure we are set up in 'neutral' ( and limbering us up. We find neatral in a standing position, and it is quite uncomfortable. Not sore uncomfortable, but I can definitely tell that its not a position I regularly stand in!
With each exercise the instructor provides us with levels, so you dont have to go straight in the deep end. I think for the next few weeks I'm going to work on level one, even if I dont find it that difficult and gradually work my up, ensuring that I'm holding everything in the correct place and doing it right. The progress between level 1 and 2 may be increased if I actually practice some at home.
This spurred a conversation between KW and myself regarding how hard it is to do things that are positive for your mind and body and sustain it for a long period of time. I have grand illusions of this person that I want to be, living my life full of mindfulness and being more compassionate, healthy, open minded , enquisitive, creative and energetic. While I'm at work I yearn to be off and could name numerous things that I would rather be doing - yet when I'm off I sleep late and waste lots of my time doing medial things, or on occassion doing nothing at all!
What is the key to changing habits of a lifetime and coming into being more? By not resting on my laurels with my life, and by continuing to think of a better me I feel as though I am one stop closer. You have to have some ambition or dream to work towards or else you may stay stagnant forever. I want to blossom. I want to open my mind to the wonders of everything. I want to stretch my mind and challenge my own perceived limitations. I want to live every minute of my life with attention, dedication, love and enjoyment.
I want to go home and watch soaps while crocheting a crobot.
Love, as ever x
Last night was quite a toughy... I'm not sure if its because I have been to a few other classes already this week and my body was just really tired, or if it is actually just my form. I am lucky to have a wonderful pilates teacher. She spends the first twenty minutes making sure we are set up in 'neutral' ( and limbering us up. We find neatral in a standing position, and it is quite uncomfortable. Not sore uncomfortable, but I can definitely tell that its not a position I regularly stand in!
With each exercise the instructor provides us with levels, so you dont have to go straight in the deep end. I think for the next few weeks I'm going to work on level one, even if I dont find it that difficult and gradually work my up, ensuring that I'm holding everything in the correct place and doing it right. The progress between level 1 and 2 may be increased if I actually practice some at home.
This spurred a conversation between KW and myself regarding how hard it is to do things that are positive for your mind and body and sustain it for a long period of time. I have grand illusions of this person that I want to be, living my life full of mindfulness and being more compassionate, healthy, open minded , enquisitive, creative and energetic. While I'm at work I yearn to be off and could name numerous things that I would rather be doing - yet when I'm off I sleep late and waste lots of my time doing medial things, or on occassion doing nothing at all!
What is the key to changing habits of a lifetime and coming into being more? By not resting on my laurels with my life, and by continuing to think of a better me I feel as though I am one stop closer. You have to have some ambition or dream to work towards or else you may stay stagnant forever. I want to blossom. I want to open my mind to the wonders of everything. I want to stretch my mind and challenge my own perceived limitations. I want to live every minute of my life with attention, dedication, love and enjoyment.
I want to go home and watch soaps while crocheting a crobot.
Love, as ever x
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Orpheus and the Prayer Flags
The item on the left is Lotus Flower Mandala Prayer flag... I made two sets for Christmas presents, one for Kyzo and the other for D & MW. I think they are pretty swell. I loosely followed a pattern from a cool blog called 'Crochet and Healing with Raymond'. I say 'loosely followed', as it transpires that I'm not very good at following crochet patterns. I think the best thing about crochet though is that when you are mid-project you can see how its meant to be and free style a bit to get the desired effect. I'm pretty positive that from all of the 10 'flowers' made for the prayer flags, only 1 will have a nib that looks like what it is supposed to look like. Ocht well.
The wee dood on the right is called 'Orpheous'. He is an octopus I made for Clatty Natty's Christmas. Again, he's not perfect. Infact, I believe that every single tentacle is a different shape/size/length. I like the gammyness of him - thats what makes him special! I left an adoption note with him, begging Clatty to love him, warts and all. He he! This is a style of crochet called 'Amigurimi'. I bought a wee book on Amigurimi that has a pattern for a proper octopus.... I might try and make another one for Clatty's birthday. Although to be fair - that one might end up gammy too with my inability to properly decipher crochet patterns. I have faith though..... my time will come!!

Thats all for today folks, I just wanted to showcase my delights that I couldn't show case before as they were presents for folks.
Love n light
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