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Thursday, 24 November 2011

LT. The second.

This wee dude is called Lewis - he's not mine, he is my nephew. How adorable though? Since I took this photo I have looked at it loads of time, as his wee smile never fails to make me smile. A smile definitely lights up the world. And EVERYONE looks beautiful when they smile.


Luna. Being heavy cute. And Dominoes tongue.

Ah ha ha. I tried to upload this video via my phone yesterday as I was trying to 'resurrect' my blog. I didnt think it had uploaded but now I see that it has, it made me smile.

Meet Luna. She is my wee cat, and archnemesis of my older cat Dominoe. They are both almost identical, except that luna has a black nose and Dominoes is pink. In my opinion Dominoe is the more beautiful between the two of them, but Luna is so unbelievably cute in a we weirdo kind of way, that I love them both just as much! Dominoe is 12, Luna is 1. Dominoe only has one tooth at the top of her mouth, and this means she often pulls funny faces and her tongue just falls out. The photo below doesnt do her cuteness any justice... but it does showcase her tongue :)


Thinking about it, I only have one or two photos of Dominoe looking gorgeous. The rest of the time she adopts either a 'little madam' pose, or 'I know you're taking the piss' pose. Still love her though, yup indeedy!!

Starry Owl at the Observatory

Firstly, apologies for the length of time taken to post since the last time, and secondly, apologies for the content of the last post! I think I may have been hacked off or annoyed about something or someone, but I am pleased to say that I cant remember who, what or why, so in my opinion its all good!

I have been volunteering with the Brownies for over a year, and tonight is the night that I make my Brownie promise. I'm quite excited about it as I'm making it during a visit to Coats Observatory in Paisley - one of my favourite places ever. Check out the photo above of the observatory taken in 1890!! I LOVE their clothes, and I love their expressions too! The observatory still looks the same, although the town has been built up around it.

I wonder if you noticed my Brownie name, Starry Owl. You may be thinking that there is no such owl, and guess what - you're right! It was decided that we let the girls choose my name and following suggestions like 'Cheryl Cole owl' and 'Fluffy Owl' I realised something had to be done. The week before we officially chose my name I dropped hints about how much I like the moon and the stars, and how my wee kitten was called Luna, French for moon.... and low and behold one clever girl suggested Starry Owl. Why thank you, I'll take that!! He he. So you see, it is quite fitting that during the last stage of our Brownie pack completing their Star Gazing badge we visit the observatory, and it is here with great delight that I pledge my allegiance to the Brownie guide law, and that is to think of others before myself. I think I mostly do that at the moment. But I will try to be nicer to people and do at least ONE good deed EVERY day.